Disclaimer: All listing information is subject to change. Please check with linked official websites, Facebook pages, and/or any other provided links for accurate information.
NewGothCity.com is not responsible for any last minute changes in times, dates, prices, age restrictions, cancellations, etc. that may occur.
Unfortunately, there aren't any listings available for this category...yet.
However, if YOU know of something that should be listed or featured here let us know by sending us a quick
email at getlisted@NewGothCity.com and provide us with some simple info and we'll take care of the rest!
Together, we can make this nationwide Goth community grow!!!
What to expect: A beautiful cemetery that overlooks the iconic town of Deadwood and boasts such notable western legends such as Wild Bill Hickok, Calamity Jane, and Seth Bullock as its permanent residents.
What to expect: Witness the fascinating and bizzare 60+ metal sculptures strewn about 18 acres of self-taught artist Wayne Porter's prarie property! Open seasonally from mid May to mid October. Admission price is $10.00 for adults, $5.00 ages 13-17, ages 12 & under is FREE! To find this sculpture park take exit 374 off I-90, go South 1/2 mile and look for the dragon sign.
Unfortunately, there aren't any listings available for this category...yet.
However, if YOU know of something that should be listed or featured here let us know by sending us a quick
email at getlisted@NewGothCity.com and provide us with some simple info and we'll take care of the rest!
Together, we can make this nationwide Goth community grow!!!
Unfortunately, there aren't any listings available for this category...yet.
However, if YOU know of something that should be listed or featured here let us know by sending us a quick
email at getlisted@NewGothCity.com and provide us with some simple info and we'll take care of the rest!
Together, we can make this nationwide Goth community grow!!!
Want to list your Gothic event, establishment, or attraction on New Goth City for FREE???
Simply send us details in an email via: GetListed@NewGothCity.com!
(Events, establishments, and atttractions only located in the United States are eligible and must strictly be geared toward the Goth and Alt lifestyles...
hence, your event WILL be reviewed before being listed.)