Disclaimer:  All listing information is subject to change. Please check with linked official websites, Facebook pages, and/or any other provided links for accurate information.
NewGothCity.com is not responsible for any last minute changes in times, dates, prices, age restrictions, cancellations, etc. that may occur. 


Unfortunately, there aren't any listings available for this category...yet.
However, if YOU know of something that should be listed or featured here let us know by sending us a quick
email at getlisted@NewGothCity.com and provide us with some simple info and we'll take care of the rest!
Together, we can make this nationwide Goth community grow!!!


Location: 2023 Stadium Drive      map & directions
What to expect: If you are a techno-geek, then this museum if for you! This FREE museum is open everyday of the year except the Fourth of July (go figure...) and guides its visitors down a 20,000 year timeline that chronicles key historical developments to weave an intricate tale of how the computer was born and how impacts civilization in our world today.

Location: Off of Continental Drive      map & directions
What to expect: Straight out of a game of Fallout, this once thriving open-pit copper mine is now a blood red pool of toxic and deadly acidic water, and get to pay $2.00 to take a look at it from a safe distance at the viewing stand! Interestingly enough, there new fungal and bacterial species have been found to have adapted to the harsh conditions inside the Pit and manage to survive while anything else that come in contact with the water will die! Be sure to pack your Power Armor!

Location: 120 3rd Avenue (ticket office)      map & directions
What to expect: Back in 1904, after a massive fire that burned most of the town’s businesses to the ground, the shopkeepers decided to re-open up shop in their basements and created a spiderweb styled series of underground tunnels to connect them. Today you can tour these tunnels and shops as they are wonderfully preserved to give you a glimpse of the underground city life as it was over 100 years ago!

Location: 36094 Memory Lane      map & directions
What to expect: Ever find yourself driving on Route 93 by the Flathead Lake area and suddenly think to yourself, “I wish there was a place where I can visit to see a bat-shit crazy collection of Americana and nostalgic memorabilia that accurately depicts the history of United States of America…” Well, your wish is granted at the Miracle of America Museum! What might look like a somewhat organized case of hoarding is actually an amazingly impressive amassing of American STUFF! SO MUCH STUFF!!!

Location: Glacier National Park      map & directions
What to expect: If you are the hiking & explorer type, then you might want to venture out on the Swiftcurrent trails to find this curious and spooky 200 foot tunnel that cuts through a natural barrier called The Ptarmigan Wall. The tunnel was forged in the 1930's to allow horses and tourists a better view of the surrounding vistas.
Don't ask me how to pronouce "Ptarmigan"...I have no clue...

Location: North off of I-90      map & directions
What to expect: Bring your hiking boots and a hammer to this sight and start banging on the rocks to make them ring and create you very own "nature industrial" music! No one can exactly explain how or why these huge boulders turn into ringing chimes when struck...some speculation tends to go towards a combination of the composition of the rock and the way the joining patterns have developed as the rocks have eroded away.
To add a "Sightseeing & Activities" listing, email us the info at GetListed@NewGothCity.com!

Unfortunately, there aren't any listings available for this category...yet.
However, if YOU know of something that should be listed or featured here let us know by sending us a quick
email at getlisted@NewGothCity.com and provide us with some simple info and we'll take care of the rest!
Together, we can make this nationwide Goth community grow!!!


Unfortunately, there aren't any listings available for this category...yet.
However, if YOU know of something that should be listed or featured here let us know by sending us a quick
email at getlisted@NewGothCity.com and provide us with some simple info and we'll take care of the rest!
Together, we can make this nationwide Goth community grow!!!

Want to list your Gothic event, establishment, or attraction on New Goth City for FREE???
Simply send us details in an email via: GetListed@NewGothCity.com

(Events, establishments, and atttractions only located in the United States are eligible and must strictly be geared toward the Goth and Alt lifestyles...
hence, your event WILL be reviewed before being listed.)



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